I have a 7 year old ferret (blind ferret), Gizmo, that has been acting
differently lately.  I noticed one day about 2 weeks ago that he was
staring into space a bit, so took him to the vet.  for a blood glucose
check.  The glucose level was low (30), so he was put on Pred.  Before I
began giving him the pred., he began to be awake more often and didn't want
anything to do with his ferret pen.  In 7 years he has never tried to climb
out of his pen and has always loved being in there too.  It's a big area
(12'X8' with 4' high walls), so there's plenty of roaming, sleeping, and
playing space.  Now he can't stand to be in there for some reason and finds
comfort in his favorite sleeping spots upstairs.  It seems that when I do
put him in there (before I leave for work and before I go to bed) he tries
his best to get out.  He's very restless and wants to get out for some
reason really bad.  He has been on pred.  for a about a week now and his
behavior remains the same.  He use to be a very mellow guy, but now his new
nickname is "wildman." Has anyone had this type of experience with their
older ferret/ferrets?  I would appreciate any input on this matter.
Melanie S. Hawkins and the gang (Gizmo, Norman, and Moser)
[Posted in FML issue 3036]