On January 27, 1994, Gandalf, my albino ferret had his first birthday.  I
went to the pet store to pick out a present for him.  For his birthday
present he received an orange jingle ball -- and a new baby sister.  She
was named Jasmine, after the flowers that bloom outside our home every
spring.  Jasmine was a tiny baby, who literally fit in the palm of my
hand - we have a picture of this.  And such a pretty girl!  She grew from
being an adorable baby to a little beauty.  Over the years, Jasmine's color
changed from silver mitt to primarily silvery white.  She stayed tiny, very
petite and dainty.  But always full of energy and curiosity.  From the time
she was a baby, she always wanted to be up higher than she was.  When she
was being held, she never tried to get down, but rather tried to figure out
how she could get up higher.  She was always the one who would be up on the
dining room table, with her brothers and sisters waiting below for her to
toss items of interest down to them.  The ferret gate that had worked well
for a year and a half keeping Bandit and Gandy out of the non-ferret
proofed kitchen was scaled in a heartbeat by this little girl.  She
required us to redefine ferret proofing, to be sure.  And she truly lived
up to the reputation white-footed ferrets have of teleporting.  And so
smart!  When she set her mind to something, she just did not give up.
Usually, it was trying to get up or over something and if it didn't work
the first time, she'd back up and try again (and again, and again....)  You
could almost see the wheels turning in her head trying to figure out a way
to make it work.  And she usually did.
Jasmine had five sisters and brothers join our family after her.  When the
first two, Aislyn and Mandrake came, she went through a short period of
depression, but soon became fast friends, particularly with Aislyn who very
much resembled Jasmine during her younger days when her color was darker.
And they were often partners in crime, being the white mitt duo.  Jasmine
is also the only one of our ferrets who really liked cats.  She met my
sister's cat when he was a kitten and they had a grand old time.  Even
after Giovanni, the cat grew up - and being a Maine Coon, he's quite large,
they would play together whenever we would visit.  It was quite a sight
seeing this huge cat wresting with a 1.5 lb ferret.  She also enjoyed
playing with and generally harassing our two cats, much to their dismay.
When Jasmine was 4 years old she was diagnosed with adrenal disease.  She
went through two surgeries, and several medications, including lupron.
Through it all, she was such a trooper and always enjoyed life.  Last
April, she stopped eating on her own for unknown reasons.  I fed her
chicken gravy by syringe for six months.  Then one day last October, just
as suddenly as she had stopped eating, she started again.  I tell you, the
sound of food crunching was never more welcome.
Jasmine died two months ago today, on February 28 while I was holding her.
She went peacefully, on her own, just a deep sigh and she was gone.  I miss
her more than I can say.  The emptiness, the hole that she left doesn't go
away.  I've just learned to continue functioning in spite of it.  The
jasmine are in bloom now, they will always remind me of my little princess.
Jasmine, I know you have your pretty coat again and are as beautiful as
ever.  May you always be up high and free; you will always have a place in
my heart.  Til we meet again....
Lucie, missing Jasmine (12/15/93 - 2/28/00)
[Posted in FML issue 3035]