Well, hello from sunny Florida.  We are still in the same Tampa area after
Daddy bought us the new motorhome.  Having to get a couple things fixed so
Mommy says.  While Daddy is taking a shower we all can play in the water
leaking out on the floor!  They seem to think that isn't OK where as we
all love it!!
Also, Burglar has found a way to get behind the fridge and come out in the
drawer.  Mommy found the hole so now she has it fixed.  When the guys come
to fix the little things we get lots of attention.
The only thing our humans have found out just how to fix yet is us getting
up under the dash board.  We get in real trouble when we do that and get
put in our cages.  Mommy is trying to figure out how get a fence to go
behind the drivers seat all the way across while we are parked.  I think
she says it would take about three child gates.  Daddy says we would be
able to climb them but Mommy says it would take time and we would get
caught before we could get over.
We all get out on our leashes at least once a day and then have play time
in the house.  The air conditioning is great, we sleep better with it on
in the afternoon.
We are all shedding our winter coats so Mommy says she will give us all a
bath this week.  Hair everywhere!!!
Mommy has been using stove pellets for litter for some time now but in this
small area they don't smell very good for the first day.  She was thinking
of trying yesterdays news litter.  They don't sell stove pellets here in Fl
I don't think.
We are going back up to NH in a couple of weeks but when we come back in
the Fall, Daddy says he is going to have our picture painted on the
motorhome.  So when you see a motorhome with ferrets on it you will know
it is US!!!  This man paints special and his name is LetterFly.  Mommy and
Daddy say we are special to be on the motorhome!
We have met lots of people here and everyone is great, they think we are
all so cute!!
Guess we have gone on long enough, so till we write agin, love and fuzzy
Burglar, Missitoo
Snowball, Nala
Taz, Sweetie
Freddie, Flower
Dipper, Blossom
[Posted in FML issue 3007]