We too have a rice eating ferret.  Halley.  She believes that while playing
in the rice bin that sometimes a little snack is necessary.  We've never
had a problem.  Just rice poops.  She's definitely one of the healthiest
ferrets we have (knock on wood).
Thanks to all the responses on Stoney's diarhea.  With the Kaopectate he's
had perfectly normal poop.
Here's a quick question:
When we go on our honeymoon we will be gone for a week.  Do you think it is
better to find someone who will take care of them here, in their home, or
should we send them to my parents house?  I know at my parents (if they
will take them for a week) would get the best care, but not nearly as much
time out.  They have one who can't be out with the others and we have 1 who
can't be out with the rest of ours.  So there would have to be 4 shifts of
ferrets out.  On the otherhand, I only have 1 person who lives here who
would do it and she's afraid of Holley.  I know she'd take good care of
them, but she wouldn't have a bunch of time to play with them.  What would
you all do?  Anyone else live in ellensburg, WA or know someone who loves
ferrets who does?
Ok enough for now.
Tysa, Dana, and the Havoc Wreaking Weasies
[Posted in FML issue 3035]