I weighed Scooby last night and he weighed in at.... 2 1/4 pounds!!!  Isn't
that just wonderful!  This morning he was wound up and ran up the ramp onto
the futon/my bed and ran clean across and fell off on the other side.  I
really don't think that was his intention.  He didn't come back up so I
think he thought that I did it to him.  Boy did that send me into a fit of
giggles, so much that Tiny tried to put me away.  She sure gets worried
when people laugh.  If someone laughs she gently tries to take their hand
and put them away, usually under the tv stand or in the doghouse.  Silly
Does anyone know if mink can get ECE?
Does anyone know of a good vet in SW Nebraska or in Colorado by the SW
Nebraska border?
Condolences to all have sick or lost a beloved ferret.
Hugs to all. tle
Troy Lynn Eckart
Ferret Family Services
Please sign up to support our charity
[Posted in FML issue 3035]