I have known, pretty much since we became his servants three years ago,
that our first little baby Pato (aka, "The Man) has a high opinion of
himself.  He developed it quite early in his life.  Probably had something
to do with while he was a little kit being carried and fussed over
constantly and then tucked into our bed, on his back, head on the pillow,
blanket up to his little arms, to watch cartoons with our youngest
daughter.  (He STAYED there too!  Seriously!  Actually seemed to enjoy it!)
The light went on in that little sable head that he quite liked this
treatment, thank you very much, and it WOULD continue...... Add the grown
up children (well, physically grown, anyway) in the house telling him he
is "the most handsomest boy" and "The Man", and Mommy and Angel, (the
youngest) kissing him all the time on his little mouth spouting terms of
endearment.  (As you can see, he had no encouragement in this.........)
If Pato were human, he would be Higgins of "Magnum, P.I." fame.  Small,
impeccably groomed, and quite full of himself.  Whenever you see him, his
little pink nose is perpetually up in the air.
The other night, though, he seemed to have risen to a new height, even for
him.  It was his usual weekly nail clipping time.  I applied the Ferretone
liberally to his little tummy, and got on with the job.  After the clipping
was over, I picked up my nail file/smoother, added a little more Ferretone,
and started smoothing the ends of his little nails.  (It really saves a
lot of scratches/arm shredding after a fresh manicure.)  Things preceded
as usual, and as I finished up, I noticed he had stopped licking his tummy.
I looked up at him, and he was reclining on my arm and WATCHING ME.  The
look on his face was INDESCRIBABLE.  (The only expression I've ever seen
that even comes close was on my sister-in-law's face when she discovered
how far below her social status Ricky Ricardo (her brother) and I actually
were since we had -horror of horrors-BEER in the house......)  He relaxed,
yawned, stretched and gave me a look that said "You may now give me my
before bed treat, kiss me a!  great deal on my little mouth and head, and
place me in my hammock, Mother.  I am ready!  NOW!" Needless to say, I
I think we have created a monster!  All four of the babies may be
"porcelain ferrets," but Pato reigns supreme.  I suppose the next step
will be hand feeding him while he reclines in his hammock and wiping his
chin after he eats and his little bottom after he goes potty..........
(Lord, I hope he doesn't get any ideas.....!)
I'll tell you about his fairly extensive wardrobe another time.........
He is, after all, "The Man!"
Catherine, Pato, Snowball, Hubert, and Elsie
"Behind The Zion Curtain"
[Posted in FML issue 3035]