As you might know from reading an earlier issue of the FML, I am a new
ferret owner.  I am planning to take Ginger in for her first check up very
soon.  Yet, I did not recieve any papers from the petstore where i bought
her, nor am I sure of what shots she has recieved.  Please forgive my
ignorance as we all know that loving the little furries is always a
learning experience (especially to new owners like myself).
The pet store said she was fixed, and had her first shots, then again, they
also told me Ginger was a male, whereupon later inspection I found "him"
to be female.  Besides the obvious (contacting the vet and so on) I was
wondering if any of you can give me preparation advice for her first vet
visit and how to handle the situation with papers and shot info from the
pet store (since every time I go there to recieve or inquire this
information I am repeatedly ignored, or given the run-around).  And yes,
I've learned a big lesson here.  I prepared and read up on ferrets for the
past 3 yrs, never to have expected this.  ANY suggestions are welcome.
  -- Sarah and Ginger
[Posted in FML issue 3034]