Guest speakers include Harley "Bug", BIG, Bob Church, Dr. Williams, tle,
Chris Mathis, Gary H., and MORE!!!!
Highlights include a trip to the Toronto Zoo to get a special look at the
Black Footed Ferret Breeding program and a lecture from the curator of the
zoo and head of the Black Footed Ferret breeding program!
There's only a little over 1 month left to pre register and save!
Still looking for local coordinators for all areas. Check our web page
for details.  All proceeds raised from the symposium will be donated to
the S.O.S. Shelter fund, The Toronto Zoo (BFF Breeding) and the University
of Guelph Teaching Hospital.
The Ferret Aid Society Ferrets 2000 Conference
Use your mouse to raise funds for the shelter at no cost to you!
Click here!!
[Posted in FML issue 3033]