After 5 years of looking into and reading about ferrets, I was able to
actually get one after talking it over with parents.  I've had my little
Ginger for a two weeks now, and i genuinely regret overlooking the
intestinal blockage warning on certain spongey toys.  I did (as recommened
by and our vet and thanks to Ferret FAQ for the info) get Laxatone..problem
being my little Ginger did not want anything to do with in regards to taste
or smell.  She loves (of course) chewy things.  So I bought her a Gerber
Nuk pacifier (no advertising intended).  I got her the size 3, intended for
18 months and 3yrs...the one that is "unchewable."  I apply the Laxatone
to the pacifier, and now Ginger and I have no problems with her pickiness.
She thouroughly enjoys her new "toy" (Not available to her unless
supervised just in case it isnt so "unchewable")
I hope this helps any of you with picky fuzzies like mine
[Posted in FML issue 3033]