Animal Lover wrote:
>I live in Schuylkill County PA, in a town called Sch. Haven.  We have
>ferrets and are looking for two (2) more.  Prefer. a chocolate, atleast
>one chocolate, but not a requirement.
Lynn I was under the understanding that YOU had ferrets that you were
placing.  Ed in Michigan has been waiting weeks for you to get in touch
with him concerning the two ferrets you were sending/bring to him.
First he waited for the 'woman' that was suppose to bring him the ferrets.
Next he waited for you to return his calls/e-mails and was told you were
bringing him the ferrets yourself.
Finally he was told you were sick and couldn't contact him.
Now you are looking for more personal ferrets?
[Moderator's note: See following post too... BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3031]