>From:    Todd Leuthold
I got my Alpha Ferret--Fuzzer--from a local pet store (the only one that I
got from a pet store) and found that he was a Path Valley Farms ferret.  I
wanted to know his exact birthday and contacted the farm.  They found his
records (knew his color, features, etc., so I *know* they got the right
ferret!) and gave me his birthdate.  The people I talked with were very
friendly and seemed to know a great deal about ferrets in general
Wow, that's different than my experience, unfortunately.  When we got
Chico at PetCo he was probably 12 weeks old and must have been returned.
I e-mailed Path Valley and they wrote back saying there was no way to
tell because they shipped out so many and couldn't give me his birthdate,
parents or any information, very disappointing.  I love Chico and he's,
lets say, "very spirited".  That's probably why whoever had him first he
was too much to handle or something happened a long the way.  He was all
by himself in a different cage and hanging on the wire going crazy to be
let out.  Needless to say after a pitcher of margaritas we through caution
to the wind and went back and got him.  The rest is all history.
Mary and The 12 Munchkins
Chico - but Mom, I AM the Baby Brat!
[P.S.]  Subject: More on Path Valley
I agree with Joey that they are very solid and well proportioned.  Very
different from the Marhsall Farms.  (But, I love them all!)
Andrea hinted that they have an "attitude" problem.  My Chico was one of
three before Tunny crossed and he was fine with that (except Tunny picked
on him--he had an attitude problem).  However, when we adopted 8 at one
time it took him over a year to be nice to most of them.  It's just his
personality--not the mellow Marshall Farms personality.  He was very
viscous to them at first.  Now we just can't let him around a couple of the
older girls.  We have even gotten more and lost more ferrets since then.
Sooo integration has been an experience.  I was thinking he would do fine
with fewer ferrets, but it's hard to say since we adopted so many at once
than introducing fewer at a time to know how he would have reacted.  Chico
was never a biter though (to us).  I'd rather say that he's "spirited" than
say he has an "attitude" problem :o)
Mary and The 12 Munchkins
Chico - Mom, I don't have an attitude problem I have spirit!
[Posted in FML issue 3029]