I'd like to thank all of the people that offer support for Ferret Family
Services by surfing iGive, sending our SayIt Card (Doc on the hammock),
volunteering their time, sending donations.  This week we received a check
from iGive and one from SayIt which will help with our ferret medical
account, and a gift box for the ferrets.  I'd also like to thank everyone
that supports other charities, shelters, or helps others.  Every bit helps
and your support is very much appreciated.
Scooby is doing very well.  He is now flying off the futon - missing me by
a good foot.  He thinks that anyone that bends over wants a ferret on their
back.  I love it when he plays in my hair, it tickles. :-)  The sad part
is that he no longer thinks he is a baby, just ask him.  He's a big boy now
and he doesn't put up with that baby cuddle stuff.  Honestly though, I'm
thankful that he is well enough not to put up with it.  :-) Nancy is still
scolding me about not letting him chew on me.  I'm bad, very bad.  I let
Scooby do whatever he wants.  Don't get me wrong, he's a very loving and
joyful ferret, he just isn't real good in the manners dept.  He walks in my
dinner plate, steals the medicine syringes (no needles and empty), tackles
the oldsters relentlessly till they play with him, and I watch and
giggle.... What can I say?  I'm bad, very bad....
Happy Easter to Everyone!
Warm hugs to all. tle
Troy Lynn Eckart
Ferret Family Services
Please sign up to support our charity
[Posted in FML issue 3029]