Hi, this is Dee Gage.  I usually post upcoming events for the Great Lakes
Ferret Association.  I am again.  First I'd like to say GLFA recently
conducted elections for President & Secretary and the results were as
PRESIDENT: Steven Arthur
SECRETARY: Angie Voshol
New members on the Board of Directors are: Sue Dantuma, Dee Gage and Julie
Due to the fact that Steve Arthur was VP and elected to President, the VP
position became vacant.  GLFA by-laws mandated the Board elect a VP to fill
this vacancy from qualified Board members.  Marc Dantuma was elected to act
in this capacity until that position comes up for election next year.
GLFA is happy to announce we will be on hand at the Columbus show and
Chicago show this year (I'm waiting to hear from Scarlett Gray & Debbie
Vitacco) as well as FERRETS 2000 in Toronto.  We are also going to be
putting on a Fun Match at PET FAIR 2000 sponsored by the Animal Meals on
Wheels Services July 15 in Kalamazoo.
I'd like to remind everyone of GLFA's FERRETQUEST 2000 Saturday, June 3,
at the Monroe Multi-Sports Complex in Monroe, Michigan.  Doors open to the
public at 10AM.  This year we are thrilled to say PETCO is sponsoring the
show.  We have also arranged to have a 3 hour radio remote broadcast at the
show ........... this should be fun.  In addition, this year we have prizes
for a FERRET PRINCE & PRINCESS, Best Decorated Cage & Best Decorated Vendor
Area.  Specialty classes for ferrets include: Silver, Panda, Blaze,
Handicap & Shelter/Rescue.  All this in addition to seminars, ferret games
and raffles throughout the day.  First entry deadline is April 29 & second
entry deadline is May 13.
GLFA had a Fun Match at Pet Supplies Plus in Dearborn last week Saturday
(April 22) with ANIMAL PLANET in attendance.  We had a fantastic
turnout!!!!  We gave the ANIMAL PLANET crew plenty of footage.  Pet
Supplies donated two $50 gift certificates & two $25 gift certificates
for prizes ........ terrific.  After the Fun Match, the crew went to the
shelter of Julie Jones and taped footage.  This visit from ANIMAL PLANET
will air sometime in the near future.  We're all excited about seeing the
Now I'm in need of some help.  The Education Committee has been asked to
research diabetes in ferrets.  It seems ferrets in Michigan are being
treated for insulinoma when in reality it's diabetes & by the time this
diagnosed correctly, it's too late.  Perhaps it's just Michigan vets?  I'll
post the entire issue later.  We've also run into increased distemper
reactions (6 in 6 months from one owner) from United Vaccines to the point
of concern.  Can anyone shed light on either one of these issues?
Now on a personal note.  I've been a 2 ferret household since July 1996.
I tried to introduce a new ferret to Beau & Nilla last year which went very
badly & I had to give her up.  ANYWAY, I started fostering a month ago.
In addition to fostering 8 ferrets so far, I've adopted 2 new kids and am
TRYING to get Beau & Nilla to accept Hershey & Finnegan.  It's not going
well but I've reiterated to Beau & Nil that they better get use to it
because Hershey & Finnegan are staying.  In the words of Nancy Kerrigan...
"Why me?!?!?!?" We're doing separate cages & separate playtimes.
Occasionally I try to integrate.  Nilla is being a real witch and has
exasperated herself into a real state ..... food, litter & bed scattered
EVERYWHERE in the cage & when she's out, she's FOREVER hiding & rehiding
her toys.  Beau's tolerance of the new kids is much better, not perfect,
but better.  Meanwhile, rescues are coming & going.  Anyone have any ideas?
It's been a real battle of wits around here.
Hershey is a big chocolate boy and just a big love.  He had no name & no
history when he came to me.  He looked at me with those big eyes & I fell
in love ..... I love getting "Hershey kisses." Finnegan is about a year
old .... a tiny sprite.  She & Hershey have bonded & she drives him nuts
with her energy.  He just swings his weight against her, she squeals & goes
back for more.  She's always dooking.... what a little yakker.  She was one
of my fosters, too, & my sister (who lives 60 miles with 5 cats) begged me
to keep her.  So now my sister has a ferret but Finn stays at my house....
which is fine.  Lexie's been an aunt to Beau & Nilla, stewards at the GLFA
shows, is a GLFA member (birthday gift from me) & now will be showing
Finnegan at the GLFA show in June.  She's already given me instructions
WHEN she wants me to clean Finn's ears & trim her nails for the show .....
I love it .... too funny.  In fact, she's bringing 2 of her cats, Mai
(Burmese) & Casey (Russian Blue), over Easter Sunday to meet Finnegan.
Beau & Nilla
Hershey & Finnegan
[Posted in FML issue 3029]