How to prepare to SAY GOOD-BYE?  I don't know of any way to prepare for the
heartache of saying good-bye to any of my loved ones, both 2- legged and
4-legged.  Love hurts.  But someone without a heart will never be hurt (in
this life).  I only believe that since ALL LIFE comes from God, all life
will return to Him.  God loves His entire creation, He was sad when the
world came to an end with the Great Flood, with only 2 of each species
kept alive upon the Ark, because He created the Life which was destroyed.
God has shown His love for all mankind and has been hurt by His Love
for us.  But I am sure that He exists for all eternity, where there is
no death, pain or sorrow, and that the life force (spirit?) of all
living things will be in Heaven and never separated again.
Rev.Ron Sims,D.D. & Family: 8 hooman beans, 14 ferts, 6 dogs, & 2 cats
[Posted in FML issue 3028]