>From:    Percy Pwood Georgia Wood <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Ferrets For Idiots/Dummys?
>Has the book come out yet?  Sorry, but I've forgotten if the final title
>was Ferrets for Idiots, or Ferrets for Dummys.  And obviously I've also
>forgotten who our author is or I would ask directly...
Hi, Georgia.  The final title is <aaack> <gag> <cough> Ferrets for Dummies
(NOT my choice) and it should hit the shelves in October.  The delay has
been the sale of the original publishing division (Idiots Guides) to the
Dummies publisher.  An irony in my eyes.  The companies fought it out and
the Dummies people got it.  The entire manuscript has been submitted and
I'm waiting for them to hack it all up and rearrange it out of context so I
can scream and yell and cry a little more about the whole ordeal.  The book
will be about 400 pages and have some great pictures in it.  PLEASE do not
go by the title.  We have a wonderful "technical editor" and I know he
won't let their editing blunders escape his attention.
Since you "brought" it up, I thought I'd also take the moment to ask any
shelter directors/vets/reputable breeders/etc if they'd like to read a few
chapters and submit a comment for the "praise page" (as the publisher calls
it).  I would REALLY, REALLY appreciate hearing from the ferret experts
on this one!  Your quote, if used, will also allow you to promote your
business or any book you've published.  I offered this to a big ferret
person and she at first seemed to be very willing to do this (and get quite
a bit of publicity for it), but hasn't responded to any of my e-mails in
the last several weeks.  I'm taking that as her backing out of a great
opportunity to exclusively promote her ferret product.  I was even willing
to NOT endorse this company's major competitor to help boost them.  I guess
I'll have to sit back and see what happens with that.
Please e-mail me privately if you'd like to help with this part.  I need
about 12-15 "quotes".  Two quotes will be on the cover of the book.  I
already have one nice quote from the GCFA for the cover.  Any other takers?
I've been a wee bit behind in pursuing this part of my book, because I
didn't know how to go about it.  Thanks, Georgia, for giving me the lead in.
Kim Schilling
Animals for Awareness
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[Posted in FML issue 3026]