I got a check from Sayit.com!  I had written to the FML that I thought I
would only get $40 or so.  I received a check for $102.83.  I am very
surprised and VERY shocked.  I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions
on who I should send this to.  I was thinking of either sending it to a
shelter, their vet, or sending a gift certificate to the shelter through
the Ferret Store or something.  Should I break it up into two $50 gift
certificates or money orders or just one $100 gift certificate or money
So, here goes...
Please email me with suggestions on how to choose a recipient.  Put "how to
choose a recipient" in the subject line.  (email me at [log in to unmask])
Please email me if you are a shelter to receive the money or gift
certificate.  If you are an individual in need of cash for a vet bill,
please send me the name of your vet, their address, and you and your
ferrets name.  In the subject line, put "include me for the drawing".
(email me at [log in to unmask])
I really don't know how this is going to work.  I want to get the money out
there to those that need it as quickly as possible.  I am really sorry we
didn't win that $10,000.  Now that would have been FUN to distribute.
Thanks to all those that received and got and sent sayit cards to, for, and
from me.  :-) They are having more contests.  Maybe I can set up another
card for May and try to win the May contest.  We'll see!
Thanks again.  If you want to see the check, go to
April "LOVES" Ferrets
L una
O rion
V enus
E ros
S ola
[Posted in FML issue 3025]