>From:    JudithMoon <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: When do eyes open
>Well, here we are again on baby ferrets again.  I had to go look at my
>pictures (posted at http://moonsongferrets.virtualave.net/babyages) to
>be sure I was right.  The baby's eyes are opening during the 3rd and 4th
>weeks.  By week 5 all the baby's have their eyes open and are very active.
>Speaking just from my experience with breeding ferrets for 12 years.
Funny, we didn't see any open eyes until the picture labeled week six.
For much better pictures of how kits progress check out
Sam Young's kits seem to progress about as we'd expect.  A few slits maybe
earlier than the fifth week but thats about it.  If the eyes are fully
open we still believe you are most likely dealing with a ferret at least
five weeks old.  Several of us have one or more of those kits living with
us now as well.
For another breeder's picture's check out
Her kits are only up through week 3 so far.  No shots clearly show the
eyes at week three unfortunately.
Back to the Fox book quoted earlier - page 177 in the first edition.
As early three weeks ferrets ferret kits should be starting solid food.
More of the quoated passage
  "Even before their eyes are actually open (at about 34 days), the young
  animals are moving actively about the cage and appear to have little
  trouble in identifying their mother"
So it's not an activity thing or a feeding thing, but eyes are typically
not fully open before the fifth week minus a day or two.
>From:    [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Cost of MF babies shipped too early here
Again, we would like to ask that you tell us the stores and dates, Marshall
would like to check against their records so this matter can be resolved
rather than just be talk about what someone thinks is happening.
>From:    [log in to unmask]
>Subject: P.S.  MF Ferrets NOT wanted at stores
You contradict everything ferret store owners have told us.
There are plenty of things about Marshall we would to see improved.  We
just do not agree with blaming them for all the ills that may or may not
actually have happened with all the ferrets in the world.
bill and diane
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
mailto:[log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 3024]