ok, so yeah, in the 8 years i've raised ferrets, i've never had one quite
like my ari. they've all been well behaved and not so obnoxious :)
apparently all the ferrets i have raised have not been 'ferret like' -
they've never stowed anything away, much less cause any trouble.
ari is the obvious exception.
the other day i purchased a box of little debbie swiss cake rolls.  i had
eaten two packages, and left the rest in a bag on my kitchen floor.
now ari is a super ferret - he drags EVERYTHING to my living room couch and
promptly tries to hide it under there - including my 20 hole boots, various
empty taco bell taco wrappers, and so forth.
so i was severely craving a little debbie, so i went to the box.  and lo
and behold, the box was empty.  knowing that my little monster had some
part in this, i went to my cheap-ass mexican couch, which isn't a real
couch, its just a bunch of wood with some springs and maybe a little
padding and some fabric to make it look good.  tilting on its side, i
found everything i had been missing over the past few months, including:
- 2 pairs of my lower boots, that i thought i had lent out to people, but
  only had been stowed by ari.
- my 2 hairbrushes which i thought i lost when i was on vacation so i
  bought a new one
- a package of toilet paper - 4 roll pack, that frustrated me so because i
  could not find it
- and, of course, 4 packages of little debbie swiss cake rolls, neatly
  tucked away.
it just made me laugh, and reminded me how much i love my little fuzzies.
i dont know how i could go without these monsters. :)
thought i'd share :)
^b^ - and my vicious beast, ari :)
ICQ:4221310           [log in to unmask]     AIM:LittleGothic
             COMING SOON: http://www.thebelfry.net
                  WWWWWAAAAAARGH! -Martin Bowes
[Posted in FML issue 3024]