Well, I just HAD to write and tell you all about this... I booked a flight
to visit my parents in Florida over the Easter vacation.  I arranged to
have a friend stop in a couple of times during the week to check on my
ferrets (9 of them).  A couple of weeks ago, I had ECE run through 4 of my
fur kids and one of them just isn't really bouncing back like the others
did.  FINALLY, I've managed to get him to eat Turkey/Rice baby food with
ferretone mixed in.  I mean, he's been eating a little, obviously when I'm
not looking, because he poops.  He's just kinda listless & skinny.  Now,
I know my friend who will be checking on them WON'T go as far as spoon
feeding him baby food daily.  Now, it's getting pretty close to me having
to go away, and I'm concerned about leaving this one ferret home feeling
the way he does, so I check into bringing him with me on the airplane to
- Call the airlines... yes, pets are allowed (check)
- flight certificate from vet (okay, I'll check into it)
- $50 additional fee (well worth it)
- 4 lbs max in a carrier for on board carrying (it's a ferret, it weighs
  less than 2 lbs, so okay!)
- (dead air space)....  ferrets aren't allowed..
- excuse me?...... I said ferrets aren't allowed. Dogs, Cats, Birds, okay.
  No ferrets.
- Why?... I don't know why, just says here only Dogs, Cats & Birds.  You
  want to ask someone why, call the corporate office (okay, so it's
  Sunday, no one is there).
BELIEVE ME, I'm going to be calling the Air Trans Corporate office on
Monday, I will keep you informed.
Warmest Regards,
Dee & the 9 Insulted Discriminated-against Non-flying Fur Types
Kristos: Aw, Mom! Does that mean I can't work on my tan?
[Posted in FML issue 3024]