Almost forgot -
Thank you, FML, for all of the vet/vaccination advice.  The boys did just
fine.  My wonderful new vet pre-dosed with Benadryl, she did a thorough
ear cleaning and toenail clipping, and jabbed them with all of their
vaccinations.  I was a tad embarrassed by their lack of manners - they kept
scarfing their smear of treat on the counter and didn't pay any attention
at all to the shot in the rear...piggies...
I had a good giggle by the end of the day - I panicked half way home 'cause
I thought one of my guys was having a reaction.  Turns out he was just
tucked out from all of the Benadryl and the excitement.  (Doggies?
Treats?  Ear Cleaning - yuk!  Etc.) Good thing I knew what to look for
in a reaction.  (THANKS< FML!)
+ Cassidy & Nesta - "Damn vet gave her the ear cleaning solution.  RATS!"
[Posted in FML issue 3007]