Hey All,
Just had to throw in my 2 cents worth.  My Rinkydink is from MF.  When I
got her she was so young she had no idea what to do with food.
My other ferret, Jubilee is also MF.  She only has one blue dot and poufs
when in a serious fight or confrontation with a ferret she does not know.
My quess is that she is still scented.
Two ferrets from MF and something wrong with both.
I also have two rescues and far as I can tell they are ok with no obvious
It seems there have been a lot of cases lately of ferrets comming out of MF
too young.  Trifl had a little baby girl that they rescued.  She did not
make it.  They also rescued a little boy named Don Juan, he did make it.
Both of those were MF and too young.
Even if no others were added, these 3 were 3 too many. IMHO.
Dooks and Blessings,
Karen and her party of 4
ps, I am not a MF blaster, I have no qualms about buying their kits, just
want them old enough.
[Posted in FML issue 3023]