I am needing help here.
For some time now my gang has had strange poop.  We have been trying to
treat it but nothing is working.  One time it is seedy, next loose, next
mucus, next could be a puddle, or all of them.  And such colors to!
Ranging from dark green tinge to neon green to yellow, burnt sienna,
brown, gray, kind of red & any & every color in between.
They have been tested & re-tested & re-re-tested.  First off they appear
healthy.  They run & play their little hearts out.  They eat great.  It use
to be more of a mixture but now it is only Totally Ferret & 8in1 Ultimate &
some KT Forti diet, but more of the 1st 2.  They use to have Pawier
hairball remedy/vitamin liquid drops in their water but now don't.  They
don't grind their teeth.  They show no signs of any pain.  They are happy &
frisky.  But their poop will NOT be normal.
At first I thought it might be due to stress as new kids were taken in, but
that doesn't seem to be it either.  They were tested for bacteria, some was
found & they were on antibiotics, then negative on bacteria but poop didn't
get normal.  Tested for parasites, negative.  Again for bacteria, some
found, again on antibiotics.  Negative.  Tested for Salmonella, because
of the chicken, negative.  Bacteria yes, again Amoxi.  Then negative.  No
normal poops.  Tested for ecoli, found & they were put on Trinethoprin or
Trimethoprim which is a sulfur based drug, of which now splatters of pink
decorate the house & most of my clothes & which I have had the fortune to
taste as I didn't shut my mouth in time when it was flung (didn't seem THAT
bad to me!), had it in my eye from another lucky fling, (sure is sticky
stuff), 14 days of it twice a day.  Have some girls that cringe when I go
to pick them up & Cocoa gets plum stiff with anticipation, thinking they
are going to get another dose.  Guess what?  No normal poops.
Dr. Murphy is at a loss.  The only things he could do is to put one to
sleep & do a necropsy of all the intestines & whole body for that matter,
but no one is that sick.  Or he could remove a small part of the intestine
& do a biopsy on it but he said whatever was causing the problem would have
to be in the section he cut out or nothing would show up & the problem
would still be there.  And it wouldn't be cheap either.
If it was a matter of life & death we would let him go ahead & do either or
both & not worry about the cost.  Over the last few months over $4,000.00
has been spent on fert & cat medical care, half on a cat & the other on
ferts.  So don't anyone think that the animals don't get the care they
Do you think I should just stop worrying about what their poop looks like &
be happy they aren't sick?  Dr. Murphy thinks that whatever it could be is
viral as it is transmitted since they all are this way.  Do you think that
they have pooped this way for so long that it is now normal to them?  Once
in awhile there is a "normal" poop but then back to whatever else.
I am afraid to take them anyplace, or even go any place for a visit by
myself, that something might be carried along & transmitted.  And no one
is going to come here that has ferts either.  I am just so tired of all of
this & not getting any place.  If anyone has any ideas please share them.
I have tried everything I can think of.  I want to be able to stop thinking
about poop for awhile & just enjoy them, but the stress is getting to me.
I have never thought so much about poop in my whole life until these guys.
Not with other animals, including barn animals & kids!  Please help me stop
this poopie nightmare!  Any suggestions are welcome.
And I want to thank everyone that took the time to write about George &
Sota, you all are such great folks.  Especially those that were in pain
from their own loss & personal health problems, it was such a comfort.  I
still have some folks to thank privately & I am sorry for the delay but I
am bogged down in poop!  Not physically but mentally.
Lynn & Clan war Weasels
[Posted in FML issue 3023]