Hello, my name is Alexis.  My roommate, Melissa, and I are new to this
list.  When our ferret got sick we began talking to people online, and we
were pleasantly surprised by what a friendly and close community there is
among ferret owners.
We realized late Wednesday night that our four month old ferret, Keana, was
not herself, so first thing Thursday morning we took her to the vet where
we were confronted with our worst fear.  The vet informed us that she had
an intestinal block, which would require a costly surgery or we would have
to put her to sleep.  She stayed overnight for treatment to rehydrate her
because she could not eat or drink.  Luckily, the following morning, the
vet told us that the blockage started to pass, and she probably would not
need surgery.  However, whatever she got into irritated the back of her
throat causing ulcers in her throat and stomach.  This required her to
remain hospitalized so that the vet could give her medication and, because
she could not eat on her own, feed her through an IV.  She remains in the
hospital, and everyday she shows signs of improvement.  However, it is
costing us $100 per night to provide this care for her.  We love her
dearly, but we are both college students, and don't know how it is possible
for us to pay this bill.  A friend on this list suggested that we seek the
help of other ferret lovers, and ask for assistance with raising the funds.
Any donation would be more than greatly appreciated, because Keana has a
chance.  If anyone can find it in their heart to contribute even a few
dollars, please send it to:
Dr. Leanne Ksiazek
c/o VCA Newark Animal Hospital
245 East Cleveland Ave.
Newark, DE 19711
(302) 737-8100
Fax: (302) 737-5871
Thank you again.
[Posted in FML issue 3023]