The ferts could be telling me they want to play when they nip me, but they
just walk away.  Sometimes, I get spunky and go after then and get down on
knee level and go "come here ya little booger head.  I'm gonna bite your
butt!" and they run backwards with their mouths open like the devil is
after them.  But, who hasn't done that?  Then, they go under a bed, I
stick a hand under and they jump on it and attack it.  THAT is funny, but
painful.  But, that's my fault for riling them up.  :-)
Seriously though, usually, when I get those nips on the top of the foot, it
happens, I see them, and they just give me that "so there" look and walk
away.  No playing, no indication of "come on!" or nothing.  Usually, just
saying, "Hey!  What are you up to?" (I think it's the tone I use) gives
them a clue that I acknowledged their presence and am willing to play.
When they nip my foot like that and I say that, they don't even throw me a
backward glance.  They just keep going.  That's what makes this so unusual.
It seems to be different from every other play ritual we have.  Even the
ways they come to get me for play.
As for the rock and roll ferrets, I can believe that they didn't like
country.  I am personally, a hard rock fan.  I have been playing hard rock
forever around my ferrets and they are used to the local rock station being
on.  One day, while cleaning around the house, I decided to indulge in my
one true musical weakness....TOM JONES.  It sounds weird for a metal kid
like me to like ole Tom, but I just LOVE that man.  Anyway, I throw on a
CD and the kids scattered!  As soon as they heard his voice, they ran in
5 different directions and then peeked out from their hiding spots like,
"What the HECK was THAT!" I turned on the rock station, and they all came
out.  I think they do have preferences.  Just what you get them used to
As for the poopies in an odd place for protesting, I believe that, too.  If
my hubby goes out of town, the whole time he's gone, they poop in front of
their room door and all around the potties sitting mere inches away.  It
makes me so mad.  Daddy comes home and VOILA!  they can hit the potties
again.  They are such stinker butts!
Now, for changing the radio station themselves, I think you have ADVANCED
FLO operatives.  They have mastered the used of their paws as hands!
OH NO! :-)
April and the "It's Not Unusual To Miss the Potties...."
[Posted in FML issue 3022]