Dear Lynn (George); Deborah(Maui); Bart (Molly); Millie (Cascade);
Diane (Scooter)
I am sorry to read about the loss of your beloved fuzzies.  I usually try
to write directly to each person on the FML who has had their loved one go
to the Rainbow Bridge.  But, I spent 2 days in Chicago at the Shriner's
Hospital for Children with my son, Andy, and this is the best way to get
caught up (my typing is improving with the exercise, it looked awful after
my stroke) and express my deepest regrets that we must relenquish our
desires to keep our beloved ferrets for as long as physically possible.
Please believe, as I do, that one day both 2- legged and 4-legged will be
together for all eternity, never again to be parted from one another.  God
LOVES His creation and He receives the spirits of those creatures back unto
Himself, for God does not waste anything.
Do not blame yourself for not noticing changes earlier, for not being home,
or whatever, for hindsight is always 20/20, and yet, is there or was there
anything that could have been done to prevent their demise?  I think not.
As you loved those who have gone before us, God loves them too, and HE will
make sure that all will be reunited again, when our Heavenly Father calls
us home.
I pray that you receive the Peace of God that Passes all Human
Understanding, be yours today and everyday into the distant future.
Rev.Ron Sims, D.D.  & Family: 8 hooman beans, 13 ferts, 6 dogs, & 2 cats
[Posted in FML issue 3022]