Personally, we prefer to vaccinate for distemper (Fervac-D) unless a ferret
has had a severe reaction previously, or is in very poor health.  Dr.
Kendrick has us give 1cc Pediatric Benedry an hour before the distemper
vaccine.  This reduced total reactions from 20% to .05%, in 20 vaccinations
of 40 ferrets from the same vaccine lot.  One of the 20% reactions was
critical.  The single reaction from the second group (.05%) was mild
As for rabies, We are less cautious, as other pets here are indoor only
pets.  Since rabies is transmitted by body fluids it's not as likely that
indoor only pets will contract it.  We have some ferrets (personal ferrets)
that sometimes accompany us when we travel.  (WARNING!: When traveling
with ferrets be especially careful in allowing ferret owners handle your
ferrets.  ADV is out there, and is as contagious as the flu!)  We have
them vaccinated (Imrab 3) for rabies.  (For us, it's actually a "people
vaccination", to protect them from claims of having scratched someone.)
We separate the shots by at least two weeks.
Debi Christy
Ferrets First Foster Home, Carthage, TX
[Posted in FML issue 2991]