Dooks to all-thinking healing thoughts for the sick babies and condolences
to those that have crossed over the bridge,
Well it certainly has been a "trying" week.  Sammy had surgery last
Thursday.  Turns out that although the tests were inconclusive-he had
disease in both adrenal glands and a tumor on his pancreas.  So Dr. K
removed the left and as much of the right adrenal and the lump on his
pancreas.  He responded well although severe bruising did occur, the
saint the she is she took Sammy home with her to monitor his progress.
He was doing so well that Dr. K said we could take him home on Friday.
Friday he was spunky, hissing and asking to be let out of the isolation
cage (no such luck) still not eating but we were hand feeding him and then
the "crash" came, Saturday night he became so lethargic, not drinking,
eating, or using the box for anything (we were of course still hand feeding
and hand watering).  Sunday morning came,vomiting and total lethargy and a
call to the vet but unfortunately she was off that day(she did give me her
home number which I used) I also called my local friendly shelter friend CJ
much crying and the hubby had to take over.  Dr. K called we were giving
nutristat,trying ad again, chicken baby food, pedialyte etc., scary day &
night to say the least!  Monday Sammy went back to see Dr. K and came home
tonight.  He is very, very thin and still needs to be hand fed, but he
promptly picked up his ball and took it with him into the snuggle sack!
Now he is on prednizone and amoxi, but at least he is home.  I guess the
moral of this story is even if your baby doesn't test positive on the
tests, keep a close eye on them.
Special thanks to CJ and Dr. K!!  Keep thinking good thoughts.  Sorry
for the long post.
Cindy, John and the kids~Sammy(the hardluck boy),Murphy(when will my
hair come back),Teddy Bear(why do they leave and come back with a bald
belly),Sadie Marie(well at least I'm still the cutest),Bucky(hey are
those toes ok to bite?)Charlie(must bark!-),
Buddy(any more pillows to chew up?) and Willy(I'm cranky and I know it!)
[Posted in FML issue 2991]