I'm a small ferretbreeder/rescue located in the north end of Cols OH.  I
currently have 30 ferrets in residecne and would like to cut back to 15.
The 15 remaining ferrets are personal pets, older sick ferrets or rescues
who have done well with us and rather than move them again I would prefer
they stay here.
I curretnly have 10 hard to place ferrets who would like homes of their
own.  They can go out to adoption or long term foster care.
3 have been previously adopted out and returned because of the rowdy
behavior.  6 of these ferrets are extremely nippy with eveyrone but me.
With me, all of them are little angels.  They know the meanng of "No" and
"Don't bite", but will push your limits.  Many of these ferrets aren't good
with children.  All of these ferrets are angels with ferret wise women, but
will test most men, except my husband.  All of them are capable of herding
17 yr old teenage boys across a room.  They are bright, fun active ferrets
who need a little extra work.  I don't have the resources to expose them to
many different people so they learn better manners.
Loki & Angel.  Born 4/2/99 Current on rabies and Distemper Loki dark sable
boy with black nose, nuetered.  Big boy aournd 3.5#.  Loves to run jump
climb and interactive play.  Will nip to get your attention or to be put
down while being held.  Angel is his sister.  She is an alpha ferret and
nips to be put down and to establish dominance.  They have been together
all their lives and love to play and sleep together.  She is an albino,
about 2#, also nuetered.  I don't wish to seperate thse two.  They can be
walked on a leash and harness.
Addie, XP, and Intrepid.  These girls are all sables, one or two have
pointed out and the other has a more standard mask.  Born 6/6/99,.  All of
these girls are around 1.5 to 2#.  Not current on shots, nuetered.  High
strung adventurous girls who love to run, jump climb and play.  Will nip
to be put down.  All of these ferrets can go seperately or to a home with
other ferrets.  They are part of a larger play group of 15 ferrets.  One of
these girls is very territorial about her toys and will sleep with them and
guard her treasures.
Silver girl is related to the girls listed above.  Born 6/6/99.  She is
an adorable medium gray silvermitt with lots of white.  She is actually
mellowed tempered compared to her sisters.  She is not a sedate ferret
either.  She will nip to be put down and test limits.  She isn't current
on her shots.  She can go by herself or to someone with other ferrets.
A pair of rescue girls came in as biters.  They are grabby, but no longer
nip me.  Both of them were recentl handled by a friends daughters ages 8
and 15 and were good.  Both girls are between 1-3 yrs of age, fixed and
current on all shots.  These girls come from a closed shelter, where they
lived a year or so.  I think victims of benign neglect rather than abuse.
I would like to keep these girls together.
Salt is a panda, a beautiful girl, with a partial mask circling each eye.
She is darker than a cinnamon and lighter than a chocolate with 4 dark
brown legs and a large smattering of dark guard hairs on her back.  Baby
is a dark sable with a hooded mask and very tiny.  She is a hider who will
sqawk at other ferrets when she doesnt' get her way.  Both of these girls
can aggressivley chase shoes and feet that interest them.  Bitter apple
works well enough to discourage them.  All of the ferrets they came in with
have been placed or are in foster care now.
I have a pair of special needs ferrets, who have become ill and need to
live out the rest of their lives where they can be loved and played with,
but can't be around other ferrets.  I cannot guarantee their health or
their life span.  You may be setitng yourself up for a broken heart with
these two.  Teddy and Draco have been living together for about 2 mos.
Teddy is an adorable ferret that we used to take out in public.  Sweet
tempered, tolerates being held and cuddled.  Will occassionally throw
himself into your arms if he thinks it will get him out of his cage.
Current on all shots.  He is a big sable boy, needs to be nuetered soon.
I have his paperwork, but I think he is around 3, has been used for dud
studding and has some nice show certificates.  .
Draco is the sister of Loki and Angel and has been exposed to Teddy's
illness.  Rather than moving her back in with the other ferrets, she has
contiuned to live with Teddy.  She is a big girl, almost 3#, dark sable and
was intended for breeding.  She is current on her shots.  Draco is a demon
child, high strung, adventurous, and nippy.  She still needs to be fixed.
She and Teddy are very good together.  She should stay with Teddy because
they live and play well together.
Please email me for details about any of these ferrets or my phone number
if you would like to call me for an appointment.
Celtic Ferrets
Columbus, OH
[Posted in FML issue 2991]