I got the thing from Mike, too.  I thought it was from Mike Janke, but when
I started reading it, I knew Mike J. wouldn't have sent me that.  Double
checked the sender; didn't have a clue.  It was gross, and not funny.  Some
things are cute; this wasn't.
Still way behind in the FML, trying to catch up....Fang is doing well on
his .5 ml of Pred, but am going in for a glucose test today to see if we
need to up it.  I'm so happy to see him acting fairly spiffy (though not a
wall-bouncer; he has always been laid back, and just sort of *hangs out*
looking sweet and happy.)
Remember what Judy Cooke said last month about telling your vet to put you
down as a donor for fert blood if you have a healthy one at home.  Just
think of the little life you might save.  I still think about it every
day; how Fang was dying, and a ferret donor was found the last minute...a
very special blessing, and one that I did not take lightly.  I still get
something in my eye (I think that was Judy's thing, also) every time I
remember them rushing him in to save Fang when he was bleeding inside and
crying (along with me, big time).  Think about it; don't put it off.  There
will be a special place in Heaven for you with no corner poopies to wipe
up.Your litter pans will be hit every time.
If you had something awful happen, (or WONDERFUL), and I did not read about
it yet, please know that I care about you all; you are the best bunch of
people I've ever encountered in such great numbers all in one place. :-)
Think Spring (we still have snow), and happy tails,
lizzi and Fang
[Posted in FML issue 2989]