This is my first time to post after lurking for about a month.  I have two
MF ferrets and I love to watch them play.  Sassy is a sable 9month old
female that I got from a pet store.  Scratch is a 3 1/2 year old sable male
that I got from my brother-in-law who had no idea of how to take care of a
carpet shark.  Anyway, on to my dilemma:
I took the furkids in to our local vet (who says that they have treated
ferrets for a while now) for their yearly checkup and shots.  When I asked
about the rabies shot I was told that they don't vaccinate for rabies in
ferrets because they are "wild animals" .  I would have thought this would
be a good thing to do if they are ''wild".  I was also told that if they
are inside pets there is no need.  However, its required for my inside cats
to have it.  Has anyone ever been given these excuses for not vaccinating?
My kids are inside pets, but I live in a rural area and worry what could
happen if they get out.  I know that ferrets aren't supposed to shed
rabies, but I would still like the comfort of knowing that I had done what
I could to protect them.
Thanks for listening.
Rachel, Sassy, Scratch, Tweety(what are these furry things that won't
leave me alone), and Shrimp(alright more toys that move!!!!)
[Posted in FML issue 2986]