Hi this is Julie in Savannah Ga., and I wanted to let everyone know that
things have been real hectic around here.  I ordered a new cage last week
so I could get some of my guys into a bigger cage, and seperate some to be
more comfortable.  I got the call Wednesday night that it is ready.  I went
with Allen to JoAnn's to get some Sherpa to make hammies, and then we were
off to hinesville to pick it up.  I was so excited.  We got there.  The
cage is beautiful.  It looks like my old one that I got last year but this
is new and shiny.  Anyway we got it home, and started to make the hammies.
Refused to introduce them to their new home til they were done.  We got
them finished this afternoon, and the cage looks great.  It is 3 level,
large ramps, it measures 18" wide by 36" long.  I had him make the door 14"
wide so I could use one of my large litter boxes, and it fit in the door
perfectely.  It is also 5 ft tall.  It is awesome.  If you would like to
hear more about them, maybe he could ship them for more money.  He only
charges 80.00 and it is worth it since he hand makes them all.  Email me if
you want his # and I will give it to you.
All of the guys are getting along fine except Tillis wasnt to sure about
his new home.  He is okay now, but was chewing all the bottom wire and
moving the litter box every where.  Cash is moving it now.  I guess it will
take them some time to get used to it.  Anyway I am going to go and check
on my fur balls.  Am taking pics of the new boys, and hopefully I will get
them done soon.  Also changed their diet.  TF Senior and today decided to
supplement with Pro-Plan kitten.  They like that.  Have a dooking day and I
will write more later.
Julie and her Crew
[Posted in FML issue 2986]