It was sad to hear of the little ones that met with accidents that make you
feel somewhat responsible.  I know you feel bad, anyone would.  But it also
could happen to any of us.  Due to these type of stories we have set some
new rules for using the dishwasher, washing machine & dryer, they have to
be opened for a final check before turning them on.  I have had Jaws fall
out of an armload of dirty clothes when I know I had just seen him in his
bed seconds before.  We haven't run him through the wash cycle yet thank
goodness, but he did spend a few minutes in the fridge.  Fortunately I was
in the kitchen cooking and opened the fridge for something else, there he
was, looking a little upset, but not permanently damaged.  The hard part is
he still crawls into the dishwasher or fridge anytime you have the door
open a little to long.
[Posted in FML issue 2986]