Well, I thought that I would never be able to post again, its been so crazy
here.  So heres a quicky:
Pam I'm sorry I missed you at the pet expo in Las Vegas.  i wanted to go
but with the vet convention going on that I already had a pass for I
couldn't afford both.  And time was a factor also.  i did get to meet the
sisters from Ferrets Anon, and I thank them for their food donation and
goodies!  I brought ferrets to the vet conference and they were a hit, it
was a first for ferets allowed at the conference.  i met a ferret vet in
tampa Fla that wants to work with shelter ferrets, please let me know if
you are in that area so i can contact her about you.
This past month has been pretty busy, we have taken in so many ferrets,
most with problems.  We have one that the owner slammed in the door, she
was mad at her hubby, so her neighbor?  or some one took the ferrets and
had them a month and then turned them in to me, one has some damage from
being crushed, he just drags his hind end around, he seems to be tring to
use his rear legs.  We are going to get a cart built for him if he doesn't
improve in a month.  Drag (his name) is such a sweety!
I also got three 6 month old ferrets in form a drug raid, a meth lab.  They
are like crack babies, they are going though a withdrawel stage but seem
to obe doing ok.  they twitch alot and don't sleep alot.  We are rubbing
valium/Nutrical on their gums when they are real bad with the twitching,
and sleeplessness.  Two are champagne or butterscotch, very beautiful and
one is a panda, all pretty sweet.
Then we have Singe, he was found in the streets on a rainy Sunday.  he had
burn marks on him, all but one is healed up.  They look like burns, but who
knows, only he does.  he is ready for adoption, and has a lovley friend
Meg, a siamese, she kinda likes him.
Then yesterday we got in two lagre silver males, they look healthy, thank
god, I can't take too much more sad cases right now.  The day before we got
a baby ferret from a Petco, she had been sold then returned because she
is blind and has to be hand fed.  She has suffered some head trauma from
what we can gather, she runs in circles, but is improving.  her head was
slightly swollen, her eyes are different sizes.  she is a little black
sable female, MF ferret.  we are just doing supportive care right now and
then BW and Rads, etc.  Her name is C.C.  For Crusty Carol, she always has
her food all over her!!!!
On top of all this, my son Damian got jumped comming home from school two
weeks ago, not hurt real bad, but stole his coat and tried to get his
sneakers, i pulled him out of school and he will probably got stay with his
dad in Ark.  for awhile.  i think it will be good for him but, I am broken
hearted about it.  Besides my critters, he is the most precious gift in my
life.  I will miss him so much while he is gone, he may end up staying,
Vegas schools are tough and he doesn't fit in.  Now they call him ferret
boy after the article in the paper about the shelter.  But all my friends
told him he should be proud of that.  he just turned 15 on monday so its
a tough age.  Sorry, off topic, just so upset with life right now.
Well I need to sleep a few hours so gotta run.  i have more to say, I
learned so many new things sitting in on some ferrets seminars at the vet
conference, i want to share.
Hopefully this weekend.
take care all,
24 Carat Ferret Rescue And Shelter
"where ferrets are treated like gold"
P.S.  Please excuse the typos, i'm to pooped to correct them, or can I
blame that on my ferrets, yeah, thats the ticket!!!
[Posted in FML issue 2985]