Hi Everyone
I see Twister has been at the computer again trying to exercise his song
writing abilities.
I shudder to think what he may compose a year from now.  Anyway, our annual
spring frolic is fast approaching.  So as not to bore ferrets and members
with the same old stuff, I was wondering if anyone had some ferret game
related ideas.  I've seen some posted on the F.M.L.  before but can't
remember what they were or if it was okay to use them.  One we will be
continuing with is the tube races.  The ferrets go in the tubes and some
decide not to come out.  This gets owners very worked up.  Lots of fun.
Our frolics are held outside at a large park.  Any input would be greatly
appreciated, either privately or on the F.M.L.
Hoping everyone and their furies are happy and healthy
Kathy and the Ferret Collective-On the Committee
[Posted in FML issue 2985]