This is my first time posting a question, but I love to read all the
postings everyday.  Let me get to my question.  I have a 2 year old female
name Josie that has lost alot of weight over a 6 week period, seems very
tired and non-playful, drinks alot of water, and has a slimy soft stool,
and seems to chill easily her appetite is good.  I took her to the vet
today and she did not have a fever or any parasites in her stool, they
tried to take blood, but could never find a vein, they even sedated her but
no luck.  She was very dehydrated and the vet had to give her fluid under
the skin.  She does not have any hair loss.  The vet gave me an antibiotic
to give her twice a day for 2 weeks.  Then if things get worse I am suppose
to bring her back to do a ultrasound or something.  If anyone has any ideas
on what could be wrong please let me know.  I also have another ferret and
should I be worried about it contracting it?
West Virginia
[Posted in FML issue 2977]