We have this motorized mouse (like a remote control car), that is actually
a cat toy.  Anyway, our ferrets love chasing it!  Snowflake and Pepe` will
try and grab it by the scruff and drag it away.  Pico will grab it by the
tail and drag it away and Lily tries to get the wheels.  It is so funny to
watch.  You can make the mouse go 'round and 'round in circles and they
absolutely love it!  Its really cute to see all four of them chasing
after it as we run it around the room.  Its hilarious!!  The remote control
4X4 truck we have is way too big for them (it was my son's when he was
younger)....but they still try to grab it by the tires.  Just wanted to
share our playtime with you all.
[Posted in FML issue 2976]