Condolences to those with sick or angeled ferrets.
About 6 months ago, I have a ferret in need.  Many, many people on here
helped me with the bills.  She died, but another of my ferrets needed the
same treatment (Adrenal surgery) and was able to use the funds.  She is
recoving nicely thankyouverymuch! :)   The hair on her belly is fully
restored (and soft as silk!) and the hair on her tail, though slow to
recover, *has* started the process if regrowing.  Rusti is also spunkier
and more lively--even taking the effort to harass the cat if he doesn't
move fast enough! :)  Because the funds for her surgery were sent to the
vet, I don't have a record of who sent what, so I came up with another
way to repay all of that kindness.
I will be posting a web site shortly, where people can go an buy gifts,
collectables and other items.  These are things that have been found in
Publisher's Clearing House (R), American Family Publishers (R) and other
popular mail order business--however, these items are up to 75% CHEAPER
than those other places!
What I was planning on doing, is to donate $1 - $3 from each order, to
selected shelters, ferret organizations, etc. in order to help as many
fuzzies as possible.  If the response is good enough, this might actually
help some shelters and organizations get back on their feet again!
I would like to leave this idea up for discussion on the FML to see if
there is any interest, as well as if there is a good way to pick who gets
the money, how much, how often, etc.  Please--no flames on the FML.  If
you disagree with the idea and have nasty things to say, send them directly
to me.
Todd and the Fuzzbutt Rodeo Clowns!
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[Posted in FML issue 2984]