Hi all
Da Baby Food Balcony seems to be a big hit.  Everyone is eating off of it.
They must have had babby food at one time or another.  Da favorite seems to
be chicken, I think, although turkey is a close second.
A little girl came in today.  She said her name waz Katinka.  I showed her
around as usual.  She seemed a little interested in da Fruit Bar and ate a
little.  She waz really interested in da Flying Lessons though.  I guess
she waz really wanting to try out her new wings.  I set her up with a
teacher and she waz soon soaring away.  As usual landings are a bit rough
but she will get it I think.  She said to tell her mommies dat she luved
them both and to send lots of cuddles and hugs and to tell her brother she
will be here.
They are close to finding my nightgown.  Bear is on da trail and says he
will have da culprit soon.  I guess I better go find some cheweasels to
pays for it.  Can't wait to get it back and snuggle down in da flannel.
Gotto go.
By BYe
[Posted in FML issue 2984]