Ferretland... An outdoor recreational park for ferrets only.  Probably the
only thing like it for ferrets in the world and created from 5 years of
hard work by the ferretguy and a bunch of volunteers.  With a volcano that
spouts water ten feet high and rivers running around it that are ferret
shoulder deep, the water systems is powered by a 50,000 gallon swimming
pool pump and filter that keep the water purity better that the local
drinking water.  It has a concrete mountain full of tunnels and hidy holes
and a sandbox that is 1 1/2 ft deep and then bricked at the bottom.  There
are two feet deep concrete footings all the way around and a 2 1/2 ft high
fence topped with pvc 4" tubing so the little rascals can't climb out.  We
put in a Fred Flintstone potty house and a lean-to for the volunteers who
watch every one out there( we never leave them unattended outside) and also
have three time-out cages for aggressive ferrets to go to and watch every
one play while they sit and figure out how to be good.  Somedays we have
over 100 ferrets at a time in Ferretland and fun is had by all.  We enjoy
Ferret Fun Days one day each month when the weather is good.  We are a
mile high in altitude and therefore are blessed with NO fleas.  We keep
the spread of disease down by spraying the area with antibacterial and
antiviral agents every nite after every one is out and in the morning, we
wash it down with a 2100 psi pressure washer, which also causes us to have
to paint it every month.  We never lost or had a ferret hurt in Ferretland
in all the years it's been open and we invite any and all to come with
their fuzzies to come and play.
There is no charge for this playground , but there are donation jars
lurking around to help raise money for our shelter and keep Ferretland
maintained.  For pictures, You can see it at www.especiallyferrets.org.
For more questions you can call us at 303-343-6460 I hope BIG allows this
as we don't intend this as an ad but an idea for others to maybe create
their own outdoor playground in other areas.
[Moderator's note:  Looks like this is in Aurora, CO.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2984]