what an interesting name.  but yes all of babies love it.  my buddy loves
it behind his ears boy does this really get him going.  he will lie in my
lap and let me scrintch his ears all day.  he yawns and plays and rolls and
then he kiss's me which I really like.  Scrappy he likes his ears done to
only thing is he wants me to hold him in my arms rup his belly and scrinch
his ears all at once hard job to do but some how we get the job done.
sassy & chyna like thier bellies scrintched, they will roll over so I can
get every spot on their bellies too.  Precious she likes her back
scrincthed.  she to will move from side to side to get this done.  PePe
he is not picky any place any time is fine with him.  "Just do it mom" all
over he likes that.  I guess we all have our spots...
Happy Dooking
Candy & The 6 Pillow Piranhas
[Posted in FML issue 2976]