Well, tonight the ferrets had their own Mardi Gras celebration.  And boy,
does my kitchen show it!
Imagine - one four pound ferret -- one ten pound bag of potting soil -- add
three other smaller (but just as messy) ferrets that play in the result of
the larger one's archeological dig.......... If you can picture that, you
can picture my poor kitchen!  What a mess!!!!!!!  (I figure that Hubert is
giving up dirt digging for Lent so he wanted to be sure to get it out of
his system.......)
He had dirt up his nose, dirt in his sweet little mouth, dirt all over his
fur, dirt all over his little feeties....dirt in the corners of his little
eyes..and he kind of smelled like an earthworm........I personally prefer
ferret smell, myself.....
THE SAGA.......
They were playing, and I was here in the living room on the computer.  My
son came home, and I heard a loud "S**T!  MOM, YOUR RAT IS TRASHING THE
running in and couldn't do anything else but laugh.  It was either that or
cry.......LOL!  Andy picked up Hubert, dusted him off, told him that he
smelled liked dirt, and handed him over to Angel so he could "go to bed" so
Mommy could clean up the carnage.  We rounded up the others (who were still
happily spreading dirt all over my clean kitchen), much to their dismay,
and sent them off with their partner in crime.  I told them they were "bad
babies......" They didn't look at all contrite, the little heathens.  Of
course, the fact that Mom was laughing, giving them kisses, and making sure
they got their num-nums before bed, wouldn't have had anything to do with
them not thinking I was serious......
And what did YOUR ferrets do to get ready for Lent?
Catherine, Pato, Snowball, Hubert, and Elsie
"Behind The Zion Curtain"
[Posted in FML issue 2983]