*Please remember that I am not a vet or a vet-tech.*
Hello everyone.
Some one the other day asked about the practice of premedicating a ferret
prior to vaccination.  This subject came up recently in a conversation I
had with my friend who is a vet tech.  Now, I trust this person implicitly
when it comes to ferret information.  You will want to have your vet
confirm this information with United Vaccine or the AVMA.
United Vaccine suggests that ferrets be premedicated prior to vaccination
with FerVac, which is the only approved ferret distemper vaccine.  This
suggestion is written on the FerVac packaging.  Have your vet look for it.
There are no suggestions on any other vaccines because they are not
approved for ferrets so there is no comment on their requirements.
My friend has attended veterinary conferences, specifically concerning
ferrets, and it has been repeated there.  The veterinary associations
suggest that ferrets be premedicated prior to vaccination.  Check the
ferret medical texts.  I'm told that Fox also suggests premedication in
his book.  Show this to your vet too.
Ferrets are commonly given injectable Benadryl 10 -20 minutes prior to
any vaccination.  This will generally prevent any reactions.  Distemper
vaccines are more dangerous and the most common cause of reaction, but
reaction to a rabies vaccine can occur.  Some few ferrets will react
anyway.  At this point, my friend suggests, you need to consider the safety
of the ferret versus it's likelihood of exposure.  Again, talk to your vet
about this.
I, personally, have had 3 ferrets react to a distemper vaccine.  It was
ugly and terrifying and I never want to have it happen again.  Two minutes
after vaccination, my two big young hobs became unconscious and passed
violent, bloody diarrhea.  They immediately became dehydrated and felt very
hot.  We, their breeder and I, gave them subcutaneous fluids and ran them
(at 90 miles per hour up the NJ Turnpike!) to the emergency vet who
administered prednisone and more fluids.  While there, another ferret began
reacting, tho not as strongly.  This was 20 minutes later!  He was given
the same treatment.  Thankfully all of the ferrets survived and are fine.
My heart and nerves may never recover.
If you have a vet that refuses to premedicate, tho I can't see why they
would, you can always do it yourself if you must.  I would.  You can use
Pediatric Benadryl (it *must* be pediatric) at 1/2cc for a male and 1/4cc
for a female or kit.  This is the dosage told to me by my friend.  Again,
I don't see why you'd have to do this, but it is an option.  Benadryl will
not hurt the ferret, tho it may make it somewhat drowsy.
One further note.  If you have a vaccine reaction, please have your vet
report it to the USDA.  Most vets, if they report at all, report the
reaction to the manufacturer.  The manufacturer has no requirement to
report the numbers of reactions to the USDA, who regulates the efficacy
and virulence of vaccines, human or animal.  As you've probably become
aware if you read this list, there appears (and this is not just my
observation talking here) to be a problem with the ferret distemper vaccine
as it causes many ferrets to react, some seriously, some fatally.  If the
USDA is not aware of the numbers, they cannot take action to have the
manufacturer research the problem.  I, for one, would like to see a safer
vaccine developed and released to the public.  (There is the one Sukie
mentioned; the one developed and tested on zoo mustelids and other mammals;
the one that has proven itself to be safe.  Have your vet contact the
manufacturer, whose name I've forgotten, with requests for info and pleas
for this safer alternative to FerVac.
Thanks for reading this.  Good luck to everyone.  I've also got
vaccinations coming up for my kids.
Anastasia Kidd
Plainfield, NJ
PS: For anyone planning on coming to the Pennsauken ferret show on March
25th, look for the ADV booth.  I'll be baking tons of chocolate chip
cookies to benefit the research fund.  I'm told I bake a delicious, rich,
chocolate chip cookie.  Come by and give them a try!
[Posted in FML issue 2983]