Arm in arm with 2 of our sponsors, The Ferret Aid Society & Ferrets 2000
conference/symposium have come to a decision on funds raised from the
conference.  One of our sponsors has been kind enough to donate product to
sell at the conference and we plan to spend the money raised the following
All funds raised will be donated to the S.O.S shelter fund, The University
of Guelph (researching ferret disease) and the Toronto Zoo for the BFF
breeding program.
A list of some of the items available for sale will be posted in the next
month or so on the shelter's website.
At this time, we would like to thank the S.O.S Shelter fund-raising team
for all their efforts as well as the U of G and Toronto Zoo.
The Ferret Aid Society "For the love of our Fuzzy Friends"
Use your mouse to raise funds for the shelter at no cost to
you! Click here!!
[Posted in FML issue 2983]