Hi all
I want to let everyone know that after my post yesterday voicing our
frustrations with the WFA I have recieved several replies.  The post was
not meant to bash the WFA, but to let everyone know the problems we had
and to voice frustration.  I hope that our experience will make a problem
in communication clear.
I did recieve a letter from Ben Roach and one from Charlene (both WFA board
members).  Both are willing to help out righting this.
I want to thank those who responded for not flaming us, and for reading my
replies further explaining what I wrote.
Unfortunately, last night and today 3 other ferrets who have been neglected
have been brought to our attention.  (2 which may be biters)  This will
bring us to our limit if we adopt them.  If anyone else in the WA area is
interested in adopting them we would be willing to play middle man.  2 of
them are with a college student who after coming to school has forgotten
them.  The other is owned by a family and is supposedly 1 1/2 yrs and is a
"terrible biter" according to the family.  I have a feeling it's spent its
life in a cage.
Thank you for the polite responses.
Tysa, Dana and the Havoc Wreaking Weasies
[Posted in FML issue 2981]