Have heard and read about pet supply stores that sell at a discount, versus
supply stores who support the ferret communities.
Reviewed both and wondered how supply stores do support the ferret
communities?  No where do they advise what percent goes where.  Do they
supply shows, shelters or research?  Also, noted: some prices were highter
than discount supply stores.
In my own experiences, I have purchased thru discount supply stores.  And
have saved more money to buy additional food/treats/vitamins to send to
shelters, where I know it is helping the most.
Something to think about which truly has the Best service to ferret owners.
Are discount stores a better supplier of ferret goods versus ferret stores
who don't advise people how funds are used to support the ferret
communities?  All honest responses are valuable to each ferret and owner.
It's alright for all view points on this matter, and we may learn something
good for both ferrets and owners.
All flames and poopers, please send to the second door on your left.
[Posted in FML issue 2981]