I want to warn everyone on the FML that there is a very psychotic person
who is making physical threats towards others, via private email exchange.
I *think* I know who the individual(s) is/are, and have my ISP looking into
it.  Most likely, they are using a "fake" email address to send this stuff.
Awhile back, I recall someone receiving a death threat on the FML and I
would appreciate it if this person could get in contact with me.  I would
like to know what they found out about the emailer (or if they found
anything) so that I can send the information on to my ISP to investigate
the origin(s).
It really makes no difference to me whether certain people appreciate my
posts or dislike my posts.  It also makes no difference to me whether you
agree or disagree with me, either privately or publicly, that is your
choice and you are entitled to your opinion(s).  What does matter is when
an individual(s) cross the line and start making threats of physical harm
or death.  That is very sick.  I do not care how offended or upset or angry
somebody gets over another person's viewpoints, it certainly should not
lead to these types of threats.  I am disappointed to see that there is
someone on this list that would do this.  This person needs to seek therapy
Again, agree to disagree, but don't threaten another person's life or
threaten physical harm.  Once my ISP figures out the origin of the threat,
I will be contacting the police.
Whoever you are, or are pretending to be, I WILL find you out and the
authorities WILL be involved.
This is the last post I will ever make to the FML.  Thank you to all of my
supportive friends, you are great people!  I will not endanger or risk my
life for the FML, and I guess, this sicko wins in the end.  Sorry, but it
is not that important to me.  I will continue to keep my private list
going, in case all of my subscribers are wondering.  Right now, I am in a
total state of shock that somebody would actually do this.
Goodbye, take care and beware!
P.S. Unless you are the person who has also received a threat, please do
not email me inquiring about this, it is now being investigated and I will
not elaborate.  I also will not be returning emails from anyone that I do
not recognize.  Also, be patient if I don't respond right away, my ISP is
doing some stuff so my emails may not get to you in a timely manner.  I
have emailed BIG to let him know what has transpired and will keep him
informed when I find out who is doing this, I know that it is an FML
subscriber because they used excerpts from a post I made.
[Moderator's note: Unforunately, I have not been given a copy of the mail
Danielle received, nor of any mail anyone else has received which cantains
threats.  If will follow up on any I do receive, of course, but I can't
do anything from this end until I have something to work with!  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2981]