Hi all,
I too don't post much but read all the time.  I don't know it this will get
posted but here we go.  There is a new place to come and tell everyone
about your ferret.  The Pet Care Forum formerly only on AOL has moved to
it new home on the web.  It can be found at www.VIN.com.  VIN (Veterinary
Information Network) was found by veterinarians in 1990 and moved it chat
off AOL on Feb 24.2000.  Ferret chats are on Monday9-10pm, Wed 10-11pm and
Fri 11-pm-1am all times are EST in the critter room.  There are also
message board and chat for all your pets.  The chats have been slow but I'm
sure as more find it will take off.  There is not cost but you do have to
register and there is a small download to come on the chat rooms.  Most
chat have 2 host and all host volunteers.
Sorry for babbling and thank for reading this.
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[Posted in FML issue 2981]