These are the favorite toys of the Merry Masters of Mayhem.
Rascal-a blue hard rubber ball the size of of a golf ball that he pushes
everywhere with his nose.  Also, any plastic bag--size and contents do not
Dickens-stuffed toys, any kind,any size-- he once managed to drag a large
(3ft) stuffed elephant under under a dresser that's only 6 in. off the
Calamity Jane-socks, with or without feet likes to wrestle with them or
wear them on her head
Angelica-loves a toy called a bungee bell which consists of a length of
heavy elastic cord with a loop on one end and tied in a big knot on the
other.  Loop attaches to knob of closed door.  Ferret grabs knot and pulls
back, then lets go.  Will result in any nearby humans ducking for cover.
Booker-5oz. paper cup.  He wrestles with it, throws it around.  He also
gets it on his head and runs around like a bump-and-go car.
There you have it.  Everyone does his own thing.  I love the crazy things
they do.
Bobbi and the Merry Masters of Mayhem
Rascal, Dickens,Calamity Jane, Angelica and Booker.
[Posted in FML issue 2981]