Hi all
Da boss acts fast when he wants to.  Construction haz been started on da
Baby Food Balconey overlooking da Ferretone Flood.  Contruction should be
complete sometime in da next 2 or 3 days.  There are construction engineer
ferrets inspecting da work now and they will let me know.
A little guy came in today.  He said his name waz Joey.  He waz met by
Phoebe.  They went over to da Fruit Bar and put away an awful lot of fruit.
Then they were going over to da Otter Slide and get a little wet sliding
down over and over.  Joey said to tell hiz mommy and daddy dat he is sorry
he got sick and had to leave but he feels a whole bunch better now.  He
said to tell hiz mommy and daddy dat he luved them and to send lots of
cuddles their way.
I am going over to da contruction area to get a status report from da
engineers.  Gotto go.
By BYe
[Posted in FML issue 2980]