Hello FML- ers!
Irtt is BUSY here at Ferret Wise getting ready for the new intakes-- while
sending Shelter Dad off to promote the shelter programs at Ferret Wise at
The Ft Washington Pet Expo- for of course shelter promotion ( our power
point presentation "Welcome to Ferret Wise" will be shown all 3 days!
stop by and let us know what you think!) & fund raising-- and speaking of
that!!!!  --
just as the van was nearing packed-- our UPS shipment arrived with
BEAUTIFUL NOTE CARDS from www.planetferret.com by way of the Ferret Trading
Post!  These are NIFTY notes cards!  Shelter Dad will be offering them at
the Ferret Wise booth in Ft Washington -- and I encourage shelters & clubs
to check them out in issue #26 as the Mod Ferret folks are offering them as
a way of fund raising for clubs & shelters.
Also -- I read a GREAT article by Mary for a fund raising idea for shelters
& clubs ( yes,-- I always look for new ways to vaccinate, rehabilitate and
even provide cleaning supplies:) )-- a ferret wrapper-- towel made into
pouch-- a neat & nifty way to keep up with educating and sheltering-- with
a useful item that is easy to manufacture!  Even our volunteers are excited
about this one-- see it on page 36!
Of course they found another CA professional to promote ferret ownership
with Nikki Fritz -- and the photos seem to jump off the page-- see the
I want to remind clubs & shelters how effective the classified listings
can be-- I believe we have been contacted in the past few years by ferret
owners residing in almost all fifty states plus other countries all from
our classified listing... they can be a GREAT resource...
The vet article by Dr. Weiss is one article in #26 you will want to share
with local vets who are not familiar!  and there is lots more--
Look forward to receiving your issue if you are a subscriber-- I was hoping
we had lots of these to distribute in PA -- but when the bulk shipment is
processed I am sure you will find it is another issue that was worth the
Thanks to Mary & Eric for continuing to provide a great magazine packed
with tips for owners, caretakers,clubs & shelters!
and the many faces at Ferret Wise
listening to public radio ( now that the electric is back on!)
[Posted in FML issue 2979]